Episode 1 – 5 top tips to make your trade show stand a success

What makes a great exhibition stand? How to make your trade show stand a success? Find out my top 5 tips on how to plan ahead and achieve your goals. Download a free checklist for your next show here: https://annika-bowhay-marketing.co.uk/#tradeshowslist Listen and subscribe to my podcast here: https://www.showupstandout.co.uk/ Time stamped show notes: [1.38] Tip 1: […]

What is your passion? I certainly have one…

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…and everyone around me knows, that MARKETING is my passion and I can talk for hours and hours about it. I just LOVE IT!! (sorry husband) The best part of my job is to meet people and their businesses, to really get to know their visions and dreams. I always come away from initial meetings […]